[Salon] In My Continuing "Investigation" of the Conservative Movement, as descended, and renamed, from the McCarthyite Movement,

and the lies they tell as “myths,” and barely concealed, outright lies, here is a letter from DDE, to his brother Milton. Which goes to an investigation of “why” the ideological changes seen in the following has occured:

"On the Republican side of the aisle, almost the exact opposite trend has occurred. Southerners made up less than 15% of the House GOP caucus 50 years ago but comprise about 42% of it today. And while Republicans in general have become more conservative, that’s been especially true of Southern Republicans in the House: Their DW-NOMINATE score has moved from about 0.29 (only slightly to the right of non-Southern Republicans) in 1971-72 to 0.57 in the current Congress, versus about 0.46 today for non-Southern House Republicans. (These trends are similar in the Senate, although only four of the 22 senators from former Confederate states are currently Democrats.)"

What this fails, egregiously, to note, is that if factors defining “liberal” and “conservative’ today are isolated to “Militarism,” then the parties are virtually identical, such was the “success” of the hyper-militaristic original ideologists of the “Conservative Movement” they founded. Now self-designated as “Tradtional Conservatives,” and/or "New Right,” which these hyper-militarists were anything but, as their targets included any and all “liberals, and the U.S. Constitution itself! And they were “enemies” of Eisenhower, whom they now work to piggy-back themselves upon in an odious misappropriation of history!

> https://www.eisenhowerlibrary.gov/sites/default/files/research/online-documents/mccarthyism/1953-10-09-dde-to-milton.pdf

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McCarthyism, as everyone here knows, or should know, was crafted as an ideology by some recently resigned members of the CIA in 1955 who were frustrated with “Eisenhowerism,” and the consequential effect on the CIA, of a (selective, but see Iran, Guatemala, Cuba . . .) “Containment” polcy of the USSR/China vs the “Rollback” they demanded. Today, actual “Eisenhowerism” draws denunciations of “RINO,” in favor of the most extreme development of the ideology formulated by these one-time CIA Officers. Now held entirely throughout the “Republican Party, with its most extreme element self-described as the “New Right,” just as the McCarthyites referred to themselves as.

Ironically, these “ideas” of suppression of “free speech,” while promoting "Perpetual War,” if “Peace Through Monstrous Strength” should fail to achieve “Total Submission” to the US National Security State actually governing this country, proved so successful electorally, with enough “Perception Management” promoting war, while demanding “Total Loyalty,” as advocated by these hyper-militarists, these “First Generation New Right” ideologists created an ideology which virtually all Americans adhere to now. Call it Goldwaterism, who the war fanatics promoted then as the kind of "Leader” required for a “Perpetual War Party” as they had created, to lead the MIC and the Oligarchs who profited off our wars! Think Ron Desantis for the next election! 

 To understand this “ideology,” I have attached a couple writings, the first below by C.D. Jackson, Eisenhower’s “Psychological IOperations” expert, who can be said to have exhoed Eisenhower’s own thought. In other words, let’s not confuse Eisenhower Republicans, with “National Review Republicans,” Goldwater Republicans then, and today Trump and Desantis Republicans, with Joe Biden a close third. All of which came out of the “Who Lost China,” and “Asia First” Movements, alive and well today in both parties.  

> https://www.eisenhowerlibrary.gov/sites/default/files/research/online-documents/mccarthyism/1953-11-27-cd-jackson.pdf

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For the “positive” view of McCarthyism, see below:

Attachment: McCarthyism's Call to Conformity.pdf
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For more background on how this “Movement” grew directly out of McCarthyism, see pp. 116-117 below. 

Attachment: 5. 1947-1954.pdf
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Feel free to contact the author of this book to ‘interpret” his own words, if you’re too stupid to do so yourself. Though he is at this Conservative confab today, with a bunch of the usual Hillsdale College “Conservatives,” and their like-minded TAC affiliates: https://philosophyandletters.org/2023/05/31/2023-conference-schedule/

I’m willing to bet $100 that not a single “Conservative,” self-identified as “Straussian,” or not, will challenge the author of this book on his seeming “ratification” of the book’s subject’s, and Joe McCarthy’s, attacks on the “rights” of Free Speech, Free Press, and Freedom of Thought. All of which they denounced. And today, from both party's, these ideas of censorship and imprisonment for exercising the “Right to Know,” have put the American people into an information-absent “Bubble,” enabling the National Security State Apparatus to wage war and war crimes whenever and wherever it wishes. 


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